Terms and Conditions

Terms of Use


Welcome to taswiq.app! Thank you for the time and Patience you have shown to read through this document.


  1. The site https://taswiq.app/ subject to the terms of this legal agreement between you and Site Owner. To use the Services, you must first agree to and accept these Terms of Service and Use Agreement ("Terms"). Where such express opportunity to agree to the Terms is not present, your use of the Site and Services (or any part thereof) shall constitute your agreement to the Terms and your obligation to comply with their requirements. The Site Owner hereby grants the User a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to use the Site, subject to the unconditional acceptance of the Terms governing this Site. The User hereby agrees to familiarize himself/herself with the Terms as well as other terms and guidelines found throughout this Site and abide by them. If the User is dissatisfied with the Site or any portion thereof, or with any of these Terms, the User's sole remedy is to discontinue using this Site.

  2. This Site provides users with access to a wide range of Internet-based, interactive information services, general and personalized content, and interactive tools (the "Services") which are accessible through the Site by all methods and technological mediums currently or prospectively developed. Your use of the Site and Service are, at all times, subject to all the Terms set forth herein as well as the policies and guidelines of Site that may be posted and modified from time to time, all of which are considered to be a part of these Terms.

  3. User agrees not to submit any descriptions, photographs, financial, contact or other information to the Site unless the User has acquired received all necessary rights and authorizations from the Owners of the above, including from the photographer and/or copyright owner of any photographs, to publish and advertise the same on the Site.

  4. By using the Site and Services you are representing that you are of legal age (18 years and over) and of legal competence to enter into a binding agreement with Site Owner and are not otherwise prohibited from using or receiving the Site and Services pursuant to the laws of the local or national jurisdiction from which you are accessing or using the Site and Services. If you are not able to make the representations in the preceding sentence you are prohibited from using the Site and Services, however, any unauthorized use of the Site and Services by you shall be subject to these Terms until such unauthorized use has been terminated. By using the Services on behalf of any third party you are representing to us that you are an authorized representative of that third party and that your use of the Services represents their acceptance of the Terms.

  5. You may be required to register and create an account ("Account") with Site Owner in order to access certain features of the Site and Services. Information gathered through the registration process and information related to your account will be subject to these Terms as well as to our Privacy Policy. You represent and warrant that all information provided by you when creating an Account is true, accurate and complete and that you will maintain, at all times, true, accurate and complete information related to your Account. It is your responsibility to advise us if you are aware of any unauthorized access to your Account or if your Account information has been made available by you to third-parties in a manner that may result in unauthorized usage of the Account. In our sole and absolute discretion, we may terminate your Account for any reason (including for reasons related to unlawful or unauthorized usage) and we are under no obligation to retain a record of your Account or any data or information that you may have stored by means of the Account and the Services.

  6. You may not use the Site and Services to compile data (or any other portion of the Material), in a manner that is used or usable by a competitive listing product or service. You may not use any device, software or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper functioning and display of the Site and proper operation and usage of the Services by any other authorized users and third parties.

  7. The User shall not use the Site in any way that is unlawful, or harms the Site Owner or any other person or entity. We make no guarantees, nor can we be responsible for any information accessible on the Site or included in the Material, including the currency, content, quality, copyright compliance or legality of such information, nor are we responsible for any resulting loss or damage relating to the use of such information. We reserve the right, in our sole discretion and without any obligation, to make improvements to, or correct any error or omissions in, any portion of the information accessible on the Site. Where appropriate, we will endeavor to update information listed on the Site on a timely basis, but shall not be liable for any delay or inaccuracies related to such updates. We reserve the right to disable links to or from Third Party Sites to our Site, although we are under no obligation to do so. This right to disable links includes links to or from advertisers, sponsors, and content partners and other Third Parties. Site Owner communicates information provided and created by advertisers, content partners, software developers, publishers, marketing agents, employees, users, resellers and other Third Parties. We have no control over the accuracy of such information provided by Third Parties, and Material on the Site may include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.

  8. We may periodically modify and supplement these Terms and the notice provided to you will be the updating of these Terms. You are responsible for regularly checking these Terms for revisions. All amended Terms become effective upon our posting to the Site, and any use of the Site or Services after such revisions have been posted signifies your consent and agreement to the modified Terms.



We may terminate this Agreement, or terminate or suspend your access to the Services, at any time, with or without notice or cause. Upon termination or suspension, your right to access the Site and use the Service will immediately cease. We may discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Services, with or without notice.

We reserve the right, but not the obligation, to delete (or to refuse to post to public forums) without prior notice any Material and User Generated Content we deem detrimental to the Site or is, in the opinion of Site Owner, defamatory, infringing or in violation of applicable laws. We reserve the right to exclude the Material from the Site. The contents from Third Party Sites or User Generated Contents submitted to us for publication on the Site may be edited for length, clarity and/or consistency with editorial standards of Site Owner.

We reserve the right to terminate, suspend, or restrict your access to the Site and your use of the Services, in whole or in part, unilaterally and without notice, in the event that you violate any of the Terms. If asked to do so, you agree that you will not attempt to access the Site or attempt to utilize the Services by any alias or other disguised or fraudulent identity.



If you use ‘taswiq.app’ e-mail addresses or computer systems to send unsolicited e-mail advertisements to taswiq.app e-mail addresses or any other party, We may inform you with sufficient penalties for each such e-mail.

If you have any grievance with respect to the website or the service, you can contact us on  support@taswiq.app